Day 23 – 90 Days in Proverbs - The Folly will Get You

Proverbs 5:22-23 [NKJV] 22 His own iniquities entrap the wicked [man], And he is caught in the cords of his sin. 23 He shall die for lack of instruction, And in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray.

This proverb does not mince words. Essentially, it says, “Your sins will kill you.” It reminds me of one of my husband’s frequently uses sayings: “Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes times that reason is you are foolish and make bad choices.”

Although I never want to forget that Jesus died to save me from the ultimate results of my sin – eternal death (Romans 6:23) – I must realize that God will sometimes let me suffer the natural result of sin. If I sin by stealing, God will let me go to jail. If commit adultery, I may face divorce.

God may not protect me from other foolish actions that are naturally harmful, like smoking, abusing drugs or alcohol, or reckless driving. These things have natural consequences.

The love of God and the sacrifice of Jesus are not a “get out of jail free” card for our lives. God will let us suffer for sin and foolish choices. But even that (allowing us to suffer the consequences of sin) is out of love. Can you imagine a world where those who had once repented and given their lives to God could now be foolish and reckless without consequences? We’d be a danger to ourselves and the unprotected world around us. Human nature being what it is, we’d probably just get bolder with taking risks and acting foolishly.

Our Abba, who is the perfect parent, will let us learn from the consequences of our actions. He always makes the right decision on when to protect us from the consequences and when to let us learn from them.  

This is why we must pray for wisdom and guidance each day – so that we can make right choices – choices whose natural consequences are good things for ourselves and those around us – choices that build relationships – choices that make a positive impact on our lives and the lives of others – choices that build godly character.

The Holy Spirit is there for us, and in us, to guide us away from foolish choices and toward the best choices each and every day.

My younger sister told me that when she used to drop her girls off at school, the last thing she would say to them is “I love you. Make good choices.” The Father bids us the same. He loves us. Let’s go out today and make good choices.

Prayer — Lord God, Father and Protector – Thank You for the sacrifice of Jesus, given so that the penalty for sin is wiped away. Please forgive my sins by His precious blood. But, also, Father, I ask that You protect me today from consequences of bad choices that can harm me or others. Fill me with the great wisdom of your Holy Spirit to lead and guide me in every aspect of my life today. In Jesus name I ask. Amen

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