Day 33 – 90 Days in Proverbs - Everywhere and All the Time
Proverbs 6:20-22 [NKJV] 20 My son, keep your father's command, And do not forsake the law of your mother. 21 Bind them continually upon your heart; Tie them around your neck. 22 When you roam, they will lead you; When you sleep, they will keep you; And [when] you awake, they will speak with you.
I once had church goer say to me that she and her husband, “put their time in” at church that week. She may not have meant it the way it sounded to me, but I found it to be an odd way of speaking about spending time in worship with fellow believers.
I don’t believe she was saying that Christianity only happened once a week at church, but that attendance at church was something to be “done” – to be “endured” each week. Maybe they just had bad preachers that made it seem like a chore.
However, I feel that church should be something that invigorates and inspires us for the week ahead. Church services should be a time when we hear the commands of our Father God. It should be a time when we experience the love of the Church - meaning the people who are the Church – the Ecclesia. The Ecclesia is supposed to act like a mother to us, acting out the law of love by living it. Romans 13:8 [ESV] says, Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. Love (and all that it requires of us) is literally the only thing we owe each other.
Church should be a place where we gain all this perspective and information that we can then bind in our hearts, hang around our necks, and take with us through the week ahead to sustain us, waking and sleeping, and lead us in every step within our days.
Of course, church is not the only place where we can get the knowledge of God. We are to read His word and talk to Him in prayer every day. Then, even if church is a chore, the Father Himself will provide the commands and the law of love that we can bind to us for that daily guidance.
Hopefully, we then take that to church with us as well, so that we can help be a part of the “mother” that provides love to help others in our church family to be sustained for the week ahead.
God’s commands - His law of love - should be with us everywhere and all the time, but especially at church. Sisters, if your church is not like that, then we must work to be a part of changing it. God help you so to do.
Prayer — Father God, Thank You for Your law of love and your commandments, both of which can lead and guide me every day and all the time. Wherever I go and whatever my day holds, I ask that your laws and love be bound to me and in front of me. And, Father, help me to ensure that I am a part of showing love to my fellow brethren – that I am a part of helping to sustain them for the week ahead. I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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