Day 38 - 90 Days in Proverbs – Apple of My Eye
Proverbs 7:1-2 [KJV] 1 My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee. 2 Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye.
Originally, the phrase “apple of my eye” was simply an idiom referring to the pupil of the eye. In the English language today it is used to refer to something or someone that is cherished above all others.
Although Solomon might have been referring to his own instructions to his son when he says “keep my law as the apple of your eye”, we understand that believers today are to cherish God’s law above all else.
What does it mean to have God’s commandments, His law, His word as the apple of my eye – as cherished above all else? Well, it should mean that I would never compromise that law for the sake of gain or prestige or even to save my own skin.
It means that nothing and no one is more important to me than God’s words – not my home or my family or my job.
Jesus echoed this in Matthew 10:37 [NIV] where He says, Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. If Jesus expects us to love Him more than our closest family, He surely expects to be loved above my job, my hobbies, or my possessions.
It may seem harsh to non-believers that God requires top position. However, we believers understand that when we put God first, we still have plenty of love to give to our families, our friends, our enemies, and even the rest of the world. In fact, putting God and His commandments ahead of all else, calling them more precious than any other things, makes me a better, more loving, more patient mate and parent. It makes me a better employer or employee, a better sister to my siblings, a better friend, and a better neighbor. It even makes me a better enemy because I return good for the evil done to me and will pray for good things for my enemies.
King David often wrote about how precious God’s laws were to him. Psalm 119:72 [NIV] The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold. This is probably at least part of why God called King David a man after His own heart.
Sweet sisters, if we hold God’s laws as precious, we will also be people after His own heart. And every other aspect of our lives will be improved by the fact that we hold God’s law of love as precious to us. I pray that God’s law is the apple of your eye.
Prayer — Father God, You are more precious to me than anything else. I hold Your word above all other law, above all other people or things. I desire Your love more than silver or gold and Your instruction I value over all other education. Help me always to do so. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
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