Day 40 - 90 Days in Proverbs – Hand and Heart

Proverbs 7:3 [NKJV] Bind them on your fingers; Write them on the tablet of your heart.

In encouraging us to bind the words of wisdom he offers on our hands and heart, Solomon brings to mind the words of God in Deuteronomy 6:8-9 [NKJV] 8 "You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 "You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. [See also Deuteronomy 11:18-21]

In my travels, I have seen Jewish men with copies of the law strapped to their wrists or in a little pouch strapped to their foreheads.

I have known families to post the 10 commandments by the front door or wear miniatures as a necklace.

Personally, I have been known to post scriptures on my bathroom mirror if I am trying to memorize them or if I need to be reminded of God’s promises or if I am seeking comfort during a difficult time. That makes them kind of between my eyes – or at least within my eye line as I get ready for work in the morning and get ready for bed in the evening.

This literal posting of scripture can help remind us of God’s law or His plan or His promises as we go about our daily routines. However, we know the Father is after more than just scripture written in public places or warn on our persons. Literal posting only serves to remind us of the need to make the scriptures an internal part of who we are – to bind them in our hearts. Literal posting only serves to remind us of the need to make the scriptures the overarching guides in all we do – to bind them to our hands/fingers.

My heart, if it is engraved with scripture, will lead me to live patiently, make decisions based on love, to seek peace, to walk faithfully, to trust in God and to stay true to God’s will. My hands, if they are bound with the scripture, will do the work of helping others, saving, serving, giving at every opportunity.

God is seeking children whose hearts, or internal compasses, are guided by scripture and, thereby, produce all the fruit of the spirit. God is seeking children whose deeds are led by the scriptures to do His works on this earth.

Sisters, today, and every day, I pray that we will hold the scriptures in our hearts and wrap them around our hands, so that our hearts, thoughts and minds, as well everything that we say and do, will be bound to His word and guided by His will.

Prayer — Dear Father, Your words will never lead me astray, they are a sure guide – leading me on the path of righteousness. But I must know Your scripture in order to be led by it. So, please help me to bind Your words to my heart and to my actions. Help me to know and understand Your word. I don’t just want to be able to remember it but to have it engraved in my heart to lead and change me, and bound in my hands so I may be always found doing Your work. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Your thoughts —  
