DAY 70 – 90 Days in Proverbs - Make Good Choices
Today’s text is PROVERBS 12:1-28. I’m not going to read all 28 verses to you this morning, but do suggest that, if you have time, you read it through.
Each verse of chapter 12 of Proverbs uses the tool of comparing and contrasting to differentiate between good behavior or good choices and wrong behavior or wrong choices, including the results of each choice. We’ll dive into some of them specifically over the next few days. However, an overview of the entire chapter is helpful to get a sense of what Solomon is trying to say with all this comparing/contrasting.
Interestingly, Solomon seems to have three areas of focus: what we say, what we do and how we feel. With this, he covers all aspects of the human existence in 28 verses.
As you read through the chapter, you will probably note, as I did, that he does not talk about eternal reward or eternal punishment. Nor does he say, “you should do this” or “you should not do that.” Instead he mostly just points out the differences between the bad behavior or bad choice and the good - doing what God hates versus what He delights in, and how it impacts our lives in the “here and now.”
outlines that good behavior results in good things in this life, while bad choices provide negative results in this life. But sometimes he just defines good choices and bad choices without giving any results.
As parents, we often do the same with our children, don’t we? We say, “If you study hard, you will make good grades” or “If you eat your vegetables, you will grow big and strong” or “If you don’t feed your goldfish it will die” – pointing out the results of choices. We point out that choices, good or bad, have consequences in the here and now.
Something to think about as we read through this chapter is that not all bad choices have eternal results. If, after killing an animal you hunted for, you are then too lazy to cook it, you will go hungry (as outlined in verse 27) – that’s a fact. But it does not result in eternal condemnation.
God is interested in us having a good life now, not just a beautiful, eternal future. Deuteronomy 30:16 [MSG] says to “Love God, your God. Walk in His ways. Keep His commandments, regulations, and rules so that you will live, really live, live exuberantly, blessed by God, your God.” The choices we make have an effect the quality of our lives now.
There will be times in our lives when time and chance, the bad choices of others, and other external factors that you and I cannot control will negatively impact our lives, of course However, the Father wants us to understand that we do have a role to play in establishing how happy, healthy, successful and satisfied we are in the years we live on this earth.
My younger sister told me that when she dropped her children off at school each day, the last things she said to them was, “Make good choices!” Reading through Proverbs 12 seems to say the same, but also follows, in most verses, with the consequences of doing so or not.
Sisters, good choices in even the decisions of everyday life – how to act, what to say, how we think – don’t always impact our eternal future. Sometimes they just make life better, or worse, today. Make good choices.
PRAYER: Father, each day is made up of many choices, small and large, that impact my life today. While You are both focused on my eternal future, I know that You also care about my life each day. Help me to make the choices that better the life within my control today- things like my health, my job, my overall happiness – so that I can enjoy this life, even as I prepare for the future in Your Kingdom. Thank you for your words of wisdom throughout the Bible, which guide me in all my day-to-day choices. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
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