Day 84 – 90 Days in Proverbs - The Hard Way

Proverbs 13:15 [NKJV] Good understanding gains favor, But the way of the unfaithful [is] hard.

The word translated hard here does not specifically mean difficult, although it is often translated hard or strong. It is from a root word meaning “constant or to continue” and was often used in relations to flowing rivers. So, I think of this proverb as saying that the way of the unfaithful just does not stop.

The NIV puts it this way: Good judgment wins favor, but the way of the unfaithful leads to their destruction. So, perhaps the point that Solomon is trying to make might be that the way of the unfaithful just does not stop until they have destroyed themselves. This world, this age we live in, will never lack unfaithful people.

Even though Solomon’s point seems to be that the unfaithful won’t stop until they have destroyed themselves, if you are suffering due to some unfaithful person, it might feel like they won’t stop their wicked ways until it destroys you.

The counterpart to the unfaithful is that word translated as “favor” is the same word often translated as “grace”, as we find it in Genesis 6:8 [KJV] But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

This word is used six times in the book of Esther, describing how Esther’s good behavior or God’s intervention brought her or her people grace or favor.

If the ways of this unfaithful world or some unfaithful individual are beating you down, remember that God’s grace and favor are there for you. You are not alone. You are not forgotten. Their unfaithful ways cannot destroy you if you remain in God’s grace.

Left unchanged, the ways of the unfaithful, no matter his/her intention, will eventually destroy the unfaithful person.

So, we should pray for the unfaithful person and this unfaithful world, though it seems that their ways are like a never-ending river. We have God’s grace to protect us from destruction. They do not. Our prayers can help change that. Pray that the unfaithful repent and begin to live in a way that brings favor from God. His love and grace, His faithfulness, is a never-ending river and the only thing that will dry up a river of unfaithfulness.

PRAYER: Father, thank you for Your grace, Your favor towards me. I ask for your mercy, blessing and healing on the unfaithful who seek to destroy me or bring destruction upon the earth. Ultimately, they can only bring destruction upon themselves. I ask for your saving grace to help me through the trials this unfaithful world brings upon me. And help me to stay strong and constant in faithfulness to You and Your word so that I am never among them. Grant me, and my enemies, the favor of Your love and mercy, until You send Jesus back to this earth to end they ways of the ways of the unfaithful. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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