Connection: Reconnect to Someone

Today, I invite us to reach out to someone we have lost touch with or that we feel disconnected from at this time. Could be an estranged family member, someone who used to attend church with you, a friend who is not as close as he/she used to be.

You could simply say, “I miss you” or “I love you” or “I’m thinking of you and I am thinking of you and I hope you are well”. Ask God to give you the words that will reach them and to reconnect you IF it is His will to do so.

We are to be light and hope, joy and peace, sewers of seeds - just like Jesus Himself when He walked this earth. We don’t know what will happen as a result of making the connection. Perhaps you will just momentarily brighten someone’s day. Whatever happens, you’ll know you made the effort and so will God. He will be pleased.

If you feel so moved, please share your results, or why you chose who you did, or why you are disconnected. I always love hearing from you. You can post a comment on this blog site or email me at