Connection: Connect to Someone Different

The early New Testament Church had a connection problem.

There were whole cities who lost out on miracles because they could not connect the Messiah who came with the Messiah they expected. (See Mark 6:1-5 for example)

The disciples could not always connect the dots properly between Jesus’ words and what they were to learn. (See Mark 16:6-12 for example)

The leaders of Jesus’ time had trouble with the fact that Jesus connected with “sinners” because they ranked the sins of others as worse than their own.

They had trouble connecting with the fact that the Gospel was meant for people like the Samaritans and the Gentiles.

But the Gospel message is for everyone, regardless of race, country, social status, gender, history, etc. Our shared state of “sinner” and “redeemed” and, most importantly, “child of God” is all the connection we should need.

So, today, I invite us to connect to someone “different” than us. LMK how it goes.

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