My Friend James: Que Sera, Sera

In 1955, Doris Day performed the song “Que Sera, Sera” in the Alfred Hitchcock film “The Man Who Knew Too Much”. It is about a woman who asks about the future (Will I be pretty? Will I be rich? What lies ahead?) and is given what always struck me a weird piece of advice. “Whatever will be, will be. The future’s not ours to see.” We live in a time where we tell our children “you can have the future you want if you are willing to work for it”. Did they really not have that concept in 1955?

As a Christian, I know the truth is that my plans may not be God’s plans, especially if I’m not submitting them to His will. I also know working toward our goals doesn’t guarantee success in this life because time and chance, as well as the actions of others can impact my life. I also know that success is more likely if I work hard toward viable, God-guided goals.

As you might expect, James has something to say about making our own plans for the future.

James 4:13-16 [NLT] 13 Look here, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business there and make a profit." 14 How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog--it's here a little while, then it's gone. 15 What you ought to say is, "If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that." 16 Otherwise you are boasting about your own plans, and all such boasting is evil.

“If the Lord wants us to” is the key phrase – the key guidance that James wants to impart. This act of submitting our goals to God’s will is something we should consider on both a macro and a micro level.

You see, sweet sisters, we cannot just give our futures to God. We cannot just give our big dreams, big moves, big life events to God. We must submit each day to Him. We must submit each hour, each thought, each moment, each breath to His will and purpose for us.

So, whether the moments of our days include potty training a toddler, working on a big project at the office, painting, training for a marathon, mowing the yard, washing dishes for what seems like the millionth time or asking for that raise or promotion you deserve, we must actively submit them to the will of God. Not that He cares if you prewash the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, but He cares that you are a child of His whose thoughts turn to Him while doing a routine task, or who will take this time to sing a song of praise (even if your family prefers you do that in your head only).

And who doesn’t need to ask for protection when moving the yard or patience when potty training a toddler?

“Que sera, sera” is not our Christian mantra. Sure, we cannot know the future apart from what God reveals in His word. But He doesn’t ask us to take a “whatever” attitude about it. He asks us for faith in His purpose.

Are lives are like the morning fog: here just a little while and then gone. But they count, they are important, they are given to serve and honor the living God – if only we will submit every aspect and moment of them to His will.

If the Lord wants you to, and He does, sweet sister, His glory will be made known in your small acts of service to your family, friends and neighbors. If the Lord wants you to, and He does, those you work with or train with will notice that you have something special going on within your character, words and work because you know you belong to Him.

But that can only happen if we actively, thoughtfully, and purposefully submit each small act and big project, each day, week, month and year, each moment, each word, each breath to His will, His purpose, and His glory.

Are lives are like the morning fog: here just a little while and then gone. But they count, they are important, they are given to serve and honor the living God – if only we will submit every aspect and moment of them to His will.

Next time, we will hit on the final verse of James 4 before we begin the final chapter of the book of James. I hope you will continue to meet with me here and will share your own thoughts on this book by the brother of Jesus.

Where shall we go next? Is there a book of the Bible you’d like to explore together?

You can write me any time at